Sunday Consideration


In an effort to bring more enlightenment and wonderment to our lives I will attempt to post something uplifting on Sundays. I will not make this a in-your-face, Bible-thumping debate but something all inclusive and encompassing. I will try to encompass all religions and creeds but I am fairly limited on my knowledge. We might both learn something new! I want us all to get together and find something bright and peaceful in our chaotic world. I expect you to add your insight and suggestions too!

Am I a God at hand, declares the LORD, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the LORD. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the LORD.”         Jeremiah 23:23–24

I was wondering on this verse the other day; about the 1) vastness of God, and 2) whether I wanted him everywhere. To speak on the latter I should explain that I am a loner. I have always enjoyed my own company better. I prefer my own quiet. I would pick being home alone over going out on the town, unless its to a hockey game then I am in. I do well alone. I am able to settle and not worry about the effects and affects of everyone around me. I pay too much attention to things out of my control. Also, as a child in my father’s house, my punishment was to be sent to my room; my personal retreat. Sorry, Dad. It was no punishment to be sent to my room. I also got into the habit of “oh I’ve done something wrong I should hide.” So when I do something wrong do I want God in my hiding place? The good answer is “Of Course!” but it isn’t a true answer. This is something I need to change in me. Accepting my God in my place; always.

As for the vastness of God…well that is a grand thought too. I was listening to a random video on my Facebook Feed. It was a 1970ish era Christian Debate. How Facebook knew I would be interested in that or that I would even watch it is beyond me but I am glad I took the moment to watch it. I honestly don’t remember much, except the speaker responding to a question said, God is (not might be) so beyond our understand as to be extra-dimensional. Now that is a fantastic idea, border-lining on being absurd. Science and Mathematics is able to prove the existence of  multiple dimensions. So really, that is plausible. Right?

Just a thought anyways. Something to ponder and bring us closer together. To open our minds to something greater. And just think if He is “a God at hand; and fills the Heaven and Earth” what that really could mean.

Author: StarOfGrace

Hello, how are you? I had just turned 30 when I started this blog in 2015. That was a busy year for me. I had moved three times that year. I needed a place to share about my life and experiences. I hope that we have some things in common. Such as, I enjoy moving and normally do so every 3-5 years; sometimes less. I love to travel, read, be outdoors, watch movies, cooking, drinking, meeting new people. I am always up for a new adventure. I work in Law Enforcement and it keeps me very busy. I have two wonderful cats that tell me that I do OK as a pet Momma. If you are curious about anything just ask! Thank you Ester

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