Sunday Meditations


Today I am not very strong. My mind is running wild and my emotions are close to the surface. I would rather stay in bed and not deal with the world. It happens; days like these. To everyone, even the strongest. That is ok. You just make it through to another day, another moment. One of them will bring you back to your center. This is not a time to give up but to push through. You can do it. I can do it. We can make it.

Sunday Meditations


Steadfastness is a hard skill to have anywhere. To have the stamina to make it a day is hard enough but to make it through a month of midnights, or a year recovering from an injury, or a lifetime commitment. These things never get easier. However, we must make it through any way we can. So when you are feeling out of breath remember it is more mental then physical to get through. Make your mind strong and you will win any race.