Sunday Meditations


The trees are changing. The weather is cooling. Winter is coming. It is time to prepare. If we start now then when winter comes you will be all set. It will be a bit easier to start now then to wait to the last minute. If you need to buy supplies it will be better to spread money over a few months then all at once or last minute. Being prepared for change of seasons can bring a bit of peace to a hectic time.

Sunday Meditation

I have spent most of today traveling to the other side of the country. My day started at 0400 with only 4 hours of fitful sleep. I am traveling to see my grandparents. They are in their 90s! While I could have done many other things with my 5 days off. Not to mention spend the $700 plane ticket on something for me. I am so thankful I can go and see them. I am grateful I have the time, money, and will to spend all that on them. You might not be doing exactly what you would want to be but be grateful none the less because you are able to.

Sunday Meditations


Humans like to make wishes on random things; shooting stars, 11:11, chicken bones. Well, recently, I had a wish opportunity and I realized as I was looking for a wish that I didn’t have one. Yes, of course, I could have wished to win the lottery or find a beautiful house that the owner wants to give me. But at that moment I had nothing so pressing that I needed a wish. So, mentally I saved it for later and ended up wishing that a friend got something they wanted. I hope that each and everyone of you can make it to a point where wishing isn’t needed. Where the “right now” is okay. Not that your life is perfect or you don’t need anything. Just that you are content and satisfied.

Sunday Meditations



OMG its August! So breathe. Take the next few weeks to appreciate the last few weeks of summer. School is going to start soon. Then Thanksgiving. Then Christmas. Time is moving too fast. It is ok. Breathe. Take a moment, hour, day; just to take a deep breath before the next big plunge. You are not alone. You have support. If no one else message me! (Breathe Pond, Breathe!!!)

Sunday Meditations


Last week I got the Tibetan Book of the Dead. While this might sound like it is about death and perhaps ways to raise the dead, it isn’t. It really is about the Buddhism way to enlightenment. One of the songs/ mantras talks about seeking wisdom.

Do not be oppressed by the forces of ignorance and delusion!

But rise up now with resolve and courage!

Entranced by ignorance, from beginningless time until now,

You have had [more then] enough time to sleep.

So do not slumber any longer, but strive after virtue with body, speech, and mind!

I can only imagine how much better our society would be if we actively sought wisdom. In everything we do we should seek the facts and seek to be better humans. Sometimes that means we have to change our stance or points of view.


Sunday Meditations


You are important! The world might not revolve around you but you are still very important to the interworking of the universe. Have you ever seen how a clock works? Each and every piece is extremely important to keeping time. Well it works the same for us. It takes all of to make the world spin. You do matter! Don’t ever forget that.

Sunday Meditations


Be in awe! Be in awe of the world and the working of it. The universe is ever expanding and functions without our help. We think the world will come to an end if they don’t have your favorite whatnot. Really there is so much more going on in a leaf of grass. So pay attention. Look deeper and be in awe.

Sunday Meditations



Wow where does the year go?! Already mid July! I have been trying to get things done around the house. Been in the house 4 months now and have gotten so much done. Of course, there is always more to do. So if you have been putting off projects it is time to start! Call it the the start of second half of the year. Regardless, of what it is give yourself a boost into the next 6th months. I will be painting. What will you do?

Sunday Meditation


I was busy today. So busy I almost forgot to post! Shame on me. Today’s thought is about taking charge. Do those projects you have been putting off. Go for that drive to that place you would like to visit. GO and DO! Even its just one day, one hour, one moment. Just do that one thing you want for yourself.

Sunday Meditations



I have these random keepsakes that I have been given over the years. They are probably not worth a cent. However, they are my most precious items. A small glittery deer, a rabbit that my mom painted my name on, a picture of us together. These random things probably look weird all displayed but that is ok. Its good to have keepsakes to remind you that life is still moving around you. Take time to keep the past close otherwise you will never learn from it.