Sunday Meditations


I talk a lot about kindness and being kind. I should also talk about what kindness really is. I didn’t know what good kindness was for many years. True kindness is an action that doesn’t cause you undo burden. For example, I use to spend a lot of my time and money being kind to other people. I thought the more money I gave and the more inconvenient it was meant I was being “kind.” In reality kindness is giving when you would or could have walked away. Sometimes money or time is involved but it doesn’t leave you destitute. Make sure you practice healthy kindness!

Sunday Meditations


I have a co-worker that is in between rentals right now and is staying in my spare room. I am often told that this action is a great kindness and is above and beyond the norm. However, I don’t believe it is such a great act. If we are to spend so much time at our job why not treat it like you would extended family. If my sister was between homes, of course, I would offer for her to stay (more likely she would just show up) and so why not do that with someone I spend most of my time with. Now I am not saying to go outside your comfort area. We all have those Crazy Uncle type coworkers. It shouldn’t be considered anymore extraordinary then bringing in food or giving someone a ride to work. It is a kindness…and in the end only kindness matters.

Sunday Meditations


After being away for 10 days my cats have been really affectionate. The really are cuddle-y and more loving then normal. Really it feels great to come back to all that warmth. Also makes me realize how much we need/want each other. I am sure we all overlook some aspect of our lives, whether alive or not, that we can only appreciate more once we come back from a separation. Separation is good. Of course, you have to be mindful of what you are missing or missing you to really appreciate it.


Sunday Meditations

After a long week of international travel one always feels grateful to return home. At least I do. I think it is something we don’t do often enough; travel to foreign places. While we can get new ideas and prospectives, we also gain an appreciation of what we have. In rare cases we find that we need to change what we have too. All good things toward a happy, health mind and home.

Sunday Meditation



It has been a long couple weeks. I have been in a daze. I am sure it is just the change of season. I feel very weighty, very tired. Perhaps it is that I have so much to do and no real will to start in on the pile. I am sure I will find my feet soon. In case you think this only happens to you, it doesn’t. It happens to us all.

Sunday Meditations


Oh Spring. Everything is trying to burst alive all at once. Many of our local rivers have left their bank behind for wider territory of the lower land around them. This should be a sure sign to all of us of the renewal of life. Sometime it is powerful and breaks it banks sometimes it is quiet like a pushing seedling through soil. But it comes and we all must be aware.

Sunday Meditations


Today I am not very strong. My mind is running wild and my emotions are close to the surface. I would rather stay in bed and not deal with the world. It happens; days like these. To everyone, even the strongest. That is ok. You just make it through to another day, another moment. One of them will bring you back to your center. This is not a time to give up but to push through. You can do it. I can do it. We can make it.

Sunday Meditations


So last week I went to a Bible Study group at a friends house. I was a little underwhelmed at the content and interaction. I was disappointed, more in my expectation or hope then anything else. That is ok. The thing is I went. If you have something you want to try and it doesn’t work out-that means you actually tried something. Its a good thing. If you don’t try you will never know. This can be as simple as trying new food, app, or going to a new store. You might surprise yourself and find something you really enjoy.