Sunday Meditations


OMG where does time go? I can’t believe it is Sunday already. Here I am late with my Sunday post. Well I guess then I should say something about better late then never. And really that is a good thing to talk about. Life gets away from us sometimes. It is ok. While we try our best we are not perfect! These little moments remind us of that. Don’t sweat it. It is ok.

Sunday Meditations


I had a friend that was nervous about a new venture they were embarking on. I came up with a mantra to help keep things from being too scary. Don’t be scared! Be prepared. Of course, at the time I had The Lion King going through my mind. However, this is a good practice for everyone. If you are going on a vacation or having a work meeting it doesn’t have to be overbearing or scary just be prepared for the situation. Do research about best things to do on your trip. Or the best way to present your information. It is easy to become overwhelmed but by preparing yourself for all contingences you should be just fine!

Sunday Meditations

I recently watched a show that made mention that we forget the bad and polish the good of people we remember. Often times we are shocked when we remember something bad. This is OK. Its OK to forgive the bad and remember the good. It helps us carry on. So keep that in mind they were human and made mistakes but that’s OK. Someday someone will think back on you and only remember the good.

Sunday Meditations


Steadfastness is a hard skill to have anywhere. To have the stamina to make it a day is hard enough but to make it through a month of midnights, or a year recovering from an injury, or a lifetime commitment. These things never get easier. However, we must make it through any way we can. So when you are feeling out of breath remember it is more mental then physical to get through. Make your mind strong and you will win any race.

Sunday Meditations


So I have just worked 10 days straight (on mids) and an extra 8 hours of OT. Needless to say my brain is a bit fried. On top of all that working I have been prepping for a move. Been a busy couple weeks. While it would be easy to get run down and cranky I have worked hard to keep a positive mindset. It has been what has gotten me through this month. So when you have a busy few days, weeks, months remember your outlook is what makes or break it.

Sunday Meditations


Working a month of midnights puts many things into prospective. Like the sun is horribly bright in the morning. Or that Spring Break children are not quiet at noon. You see a lot less of people. All good things to know. It also reminds me that people are in all walks of their own life. So when you meet someone at the coffee shop early in the morning that might not be overly kind, keep in mind their day might just be ending. Be patient. Be kind. Everyone is fighting their own battles.


Sunday Meditations


So often I find myself lagging toward the end of Winter. I have a decent excuse with all that has happened in the last six months. However, I know we all get wore out as the cold continues. Keep in mind that this is the final push to Spring. And then Summer. It is the last stretch of the race. This analogy works for whatever is happening in your life. Things do pass, we just need to out last them.

Sunday Meditations



Life is stressful. That is part of life. There is always something going on or something to do. It is important to take moments to relax. I booked a trip about 6 weeks ago to Dublin. I had no real idea how busy my life would be at the time of the trip. Really it probably isn’t the best time to leave. However, it is only for the weekend and nothing will burn down while I am away. It is important to take opportunities as they present themselves. Instead of being stressed that I am leaving I will focus on enjoying my weekend. Hope you enjoy yours.

Sunday Meditations


It is a new year. 2018! We have survived last year and are braving on to this year. A month has already gone by and the news isn’t any better. As we revel in our strength and courage we must remember to be humble. Be strong. Be courageous but be humble. It is a very fine line to walk and very few can do it well. I often fall off the wagon and must labor to get back. If everyday we attempt to remain humble soon it will be a habit and then a skill. We can do this!

Sunday Meditations


Often times we hear that we should be “in the world but not of the world.” I do agree with that but I have noticed something. We aren’t even “in the world” any more. All we do is have stare at our devises and ignore our surroundings. So I say to you… BE IN THE WORLD. Interact with strangers, friends, and family. See the flowers and the shapes of clouds. Be as a child and embrace your life!